#1 Rank Website Without Backlinks and Generate Leads

Is it really possible? Well, this often comes to mind when you hear or read about backlinks. 

According to online marketers, backlinks are the backbone of SEO and no website can rank without building quality backlinks. For most of the online marketers, ranking without backlinking is just not possible but this post will prove this assumption wrong with some effective ways that every online marketer should follow. 

Before you get started with the best methods to rank your website without building backlinks, you should first understand why digital marketers should consider ranking without backlinks.

Why Online Marketers Should Consider Ranking Websites Without Backlinks?

Here is a quick brief explanation of avoiding backlinks for getting the rank of your website.

  • First comes first, your website is quite new so you need to establish it online before you go for any external authority validation. 
  • Second, your website is not a content-rich website to pull off the business. 

These are the main reasons that push you to abort building backlinks. 

Now, we proceed further with the best ways to consider to get a website rank without any help of backlinks.

Best Ways To Rank Without Backlinks:

  • Create Compelling Content 

Content is the king in the digital world and it becomes highly appreciable when it is unique, clear and compelling. Content with a clear vision gets a lot of attention from the target audiences and compelling content is not about writing good language but addressing the issues of the audiences. It should, rather, give a solution to the audience, so that the audience connects with it instantly. 

Apparently, being a part of the digital world, it is your primary responsibility to analyze your competitor’s content strategy so that you can come up with a better content strategy to beat your competitors.

  • Content-focused Competitive Analysis

It is highly recommendable to read your competitor’s content to have that content-focused competitive analysis done before you get in a race of content, but it is not at all recommendable to copy your competitor’s content. This analysis is ideal to pull off when you are revamping your website, adding new services, or expanding content creation for your website. 

  • Informative Onpage Content 

When it comes to onpage content, the information should be rightly spread and among the right audience. Being an online marketer or a layman, you must have observed that the user-friendly content always ranks on the SERP. The first and foremost rule to drive organic traffic on website is through user-friendly onpage content. This informative content should be shared among the right audience to get desired attention. If your onpage content contains relevant information that might evoke people to visit your website.

  • Create Infographics

A precise and clear representation of information in the form of graphic visuals to give out a better idea of the concept. These infographics are the best way to interact with your audiences and to attract much traffic on the website. With the assistance of the infographics, you can show your statistics progress report through colored diagrams and bars.

  • CTA (call-to-action)

Call-to-action is something that you can’t afford to skip if you want to increase the number of visitors on your website. Sometimes, even good content fails to drive traffic to the website. But an attractive user experience forces a visitor to keep coming back to the site. Just in case, if it is incorporated with CTA button, it is a killing combination. CTA button compels a user to take an action instantly as he comes to the website. Hence, it becomes really necessary to include CTA button to your content to get traffic on your page. It helps your website to get maximum visibility and now Google also gives importance to CTA button for boosting traffic on website. 

  • Focus on the Latest Digital Marketing Trends 

Digital marketing is evolving industries, which means all the new and fast-growing techniques are immensely welcomed by digital marketers. Therefore, it is quite important to know and understand the latest digital marketing trends’19 that would work for your business. Follow the large informative platforms that give updates on the latest trends of digital marketing. Keep an eye on the latest news on trends and implement them to get a boost in your sales. 

  • Improve CTR 

Plenty of case studies have shown that CTR significantly impacts the ranking, despite the fact that it comes with no guarantee. 

  • Choose Strong Focus Keyword

Select a strong focus keyword that no one else has ever used in the SEO to cut down the unnecessary competition. Adding the focus keyword to your content, title, the meta description helps in increasing the ranking. It is really important to make a keyword that is easy and self-explanatory. This compels the marketer to make a keyword that tells the entire article purpose through its focus keyword. Moreover, it would be more beneficial if you make your title tag as your focus keyword. 

  • Include Long Tail Keywords 

As mentioned in the above point, choosing a strong focus keyword is important but to make your focus keyword strong, it is important to include a long-tail keyword in the URL, title tag, meta description and in the content. Long-tail keywords are marketers’ best friend as with lower search volume, which automatically cuts down the competition, and makes it easy to rank instantly. Apparently, it is also advisable to avoid other relevant keywords when using long-tail keywords. 

  • Use Focus Keywords in URL

Already discussed the importance of using the focus keywords in the above point. When it comes to increasing traffic on the site without backlinks, using a focus keyword in URL is a chief key to bring your website on the top of the list. 

  •  Social Media Mentions and Brand Citations 

Putting a huge amount into running a link building campaign is not possible for all businesses and marketers, especially for those who have set a startup. A startup has limited resources which leads to low online visibility. However, if you get started with unlinked URLs and brand citations. Unlinked URLs are the most essential resource to index new content and brand citations are highly authoritative to track brand mentions. And we all know that social media is leading online, so it is quintessentially important to have social media mentions to get visibility organically. 

  • Build Internal Linking

Internal linking is the most powerful SEO tactics to boost ranking organically, in which you can move your site ranking from one page to another. Website navigation is the best example of building internal linking, but there are many blog sites that use this tactful technique.

  • Page Speed (Page Load Time)

The page should be fully optimized to measure the loading speed of your content on the page. Page speed is the loading time that takes to fully display the content on a page. It is termed as “page load time” by the marketers in the SEO world. “Google PageSpeed Insights” is the best tool to analyze the loading time and issues on your site and fix them to increase your website performance. It plays a vital role in boosting your website rank in an organic way. 

  • Server Response Time

Server response time is the total amount of time needed to actually load the HTML document of a website which comes from the server. If you want your website to rank well, make sure that your server response time is good since slow server response time would take longer to load your HTML document, which may result in losing the interest of the audience. It hardly matters that your other resources are well-optimized, if your server response time is slow, your website will be slow. Server response time is measured by TTFB (Time to First Byte). And if your server response time is slow, then it can drop your ranking on SERP.

  •  Implement CSS Sprites images 

The load time of a page impacts the organic ranking, therefore, it is quintessentially essential to implement Image Sprites to help a website to perform well by reducing the time of loading a page. Use CSS sprites images instead of using individual image files to reduce HTTP requests. 

  • Rich Snippets (schema)

Rich snippets are structured data that help search engines to better understand the context of your section on your page with the help of markup. Another way to say, special result snippets in Google search results are generally called as rich snippets that include additional information that is not mentioned in the meta description.    

Over To You

As mentioned at the beginning of the post, backlinks are certainly the backbone of SEO, however, since digital marketing is an evolving industry, marketers should always ready to face any challenge. With the aforementioned ways, you can make your website rank without backlinks. 

But, are you still in doubt? Do you still think there is no luck with backlinks? No worries, from above-mentioned ways, select any, implement and wait for some time, you will get your answer.

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