The Limitless Potential of Online Video Advertising in the Digital Age

How long will you make tomorrow wait?

The rulebooks and common wisdom concerning how advertising and marketing can affect the bottom line of a business are changing every nanosecond.

In the 21 st century, the advent, burgeoning reach and positive engagement potential of online video advertising allows the modern business to reach even more people than ever before.

The limits of such advertising reach is only limited by the operational boundaries of current social media and online media platforms.

And the reach of social media platforms to engage potential consumers, from now into the far future, seems limitless. Especially at the progressive pace that technology advances itself every few months and years.

To put it another way, think about how physical products have become obsoleted in the age of digital media and downloadable music. The music business has not disappeared. Yet, if it doesn’t change all of the business rules and common wisdom concerning how music companies, and music artists for that matter, can make money and market music in the digital age, then it may lurch slowly but steadily towards obsolescence.

Your business cannot survive or thrive within a vacuum. Not even 15 years ago if you wanted to advertise your business to a wider, regional or national audience, you bought TV ad time, print space and radio time.

According to statistics compiled by Business Insider Intelligence Daily, well over 30 billion online video advertisements and commercials were viewed in the United States alone.

Revenue collected from online video advertising is projected to top USD $5 billion for the year 2016 alone, if current trends continue.

Also, online video advertisements have a click-through- rate of over 1.84 percent, which is a high mark, a bench march for all social and digital media platforms.

Today, if you do not take maximum advantage of online video advertising and marketing from a business strategy standpoint, especially when considering the fact that businesses large and small can now reach anyone with a smart device based on customizable metadata, then you might as well be running a business from within a vacuum.

Especially if you are solely and exclusively depending on your ad to reach people via TV, print or radio,

If you own a business or produce a product, then you need to sell that product. If you want people to patronize your business and buy what you produce, then people need to know who you are and what your business produces. They need to know why they need your product. And they

need to know where they can get your product.

It all boils down to marketing. Online video marketing.

And how much faster you can custom maximize metadata, on an individual and/or demographic basis, to the consumer than your competitor.

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